Lifestyle - Oct 21, 2020

Ain’t No Sunshine

Ain’t No Sunshine


Not only does the lack of sunlight in the UK in Autumn & Winter affect your social life (HELLO NANA TIME), your skin colour ( pulls out the Bondi Sands liquid gold fake tan, trust me girls this is the best) but it can also affect you mood. Yeah I know you probably think it is a myth but it isn’t SAD (seasonal effective disorder) is actually a thing. 

Lack of natural sunlight on your skin means that you lack Vitamin D.

Your body cannot produce Vitamin D and although in short supply you can get it from your food it is actually one of the only supplements that everyone in the UK should actually be taking. (Unless you can be exposed to 15/20 mins of natural sunlight everyday!).

I have listened to loads of podcasts & read lots books about health, nutrition and supplements and the only absolute must common theme is that the majority of us will have a Vitamin D deficiency in the cloudy months.

You can get tablets or sprays, like always check the source you are buying from and try to buy high quality. 

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